The power generation industry is a dynamic industry experiencing constant innovation, Sekoinc Metals Focus on producing and supplying clients with high quality mateirals and prouducts to meet their requirments,From Steam turbine parts and nuclear fuel bundles, to energy storage, honeycomb seals, and recuperators, Sekoinc Metal supply a full range of alloys to handle specific corrosion and temperature requirements of the energy & power generation market.
Typical Application Case
• Refractory 26, used in the production of ground steam turbine enclosure, under the steam conditions of 540℃~570℃ can work for more than 100,000 hours
• Inconel 718 , which has the elevated temperature strength, excellent corrosion resistance and workability properties at 700℃ , makes it use in a wide range of the nuclear components.
• Inconel 690, is mainly used for the material of nuclear power plant steam generator tubes in pressurized water reactor.
• Monel 400, is used in the plants for uranium refining and isotope separation in the production of nuclear fuel.